SJOBA – St. John’s Old Boys Association is one of the most prominent alumni associations in the country.
The SJOBA Foundation was formed as a special purpose vehicle by the Old Boys for serving the Alma Mater.
On 26th Septemeber 2003, seven Old Boys, namely: Manmohan Sarin,Vivek Vahi, Sps Ghai, Yashovardhan Saboo, Ajay Tiwari, Pranav Gupta and Chitranjan Agarwal, got together and had The SJOBA FOUNDATION registered while contributing to an initial corpus of Rs. 1.75 Lakhs with the following aims and objectives:
- To promote, develop and encourage the advancement of education, literacy, sports, culture and social service.
- To provide and arrange reliefs supports and guidance to the poor and needy and deserving students and other persons in general, irrespective of any considerations of sex, class, community and/ or religion.
- To provide and arrange scholarships, endowments, research fellowships and/ or similar support for the furtherance of education, sports, culture, social service, and other related activities in general.
- To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions and seminars for diffusion of knowledge and promotion of education.
- To provide, support and/or promote any/all such facilities which are engaged in the furtherance of education, sports, culture, social service and/or related activities.
- To provide means for promotion and advancement of the objects mentioned above.
- To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any other objects of general public utility.
The vision of the foundation is to produce Olympian or/ and Nobel Laureate from the school in the near future.
The foundation is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961